Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Wednesday, July 20, 2011 definitely a thing of the past :)

I tell myself everyday, " Heather, you are going to sleep when they sleep today" however for some reason when I get up I find myself picking up the house and doing laundry instead of laying down. I feel like I should be doing something since I am home. Justin says you need to sleep who cares about the house, for the next month we are in survival mode..hahaha I love him. I am really going to start taking naps though because i find myself so tired in the middle of the night and early morning that I am trying to push their feedings as long as we can and then by the time I finally get up and get it ready they fall back to sleep  and dont eat very much.
FInally got a good one of Chace doing tummy time

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I think Murphy has finally accepted his new brothers :)
:(  This morning the greatest father in law in the world brought me any iced capp...mmm just what I needed to start my day. Its the little things like hopping in the car and going to get an iced capp I miss. Once Chace comes off his oxygen Ill be able to do a little more at least, surely wont just be hoppping in the car since it is such a process going anywhere. But again I love it and wouldnt change it for anything. Just cant wait to get some sort of routine down for everything. We are still trying to get the eating down pat, but what works seems to change by the day. The boys had their eye dr appt yesterday and doctor said all looks good. woo hoo. Sometimes in premature babies they can develop retinopathy of prematurity and can end up blind. Although if my children end up with our eyesight they will be blind anyway poor kids :) Their next dr appt is next wed and Chace oxygen test is Tuesday so next week will be a big week. Just hope its all good news and we can lose the oxygen!!! The boys are getting so big, they both look like normal newborns now instead of preemies. They both have chunky faces and are getting double chins...hahaha The last time I weighed them with their bath was Saturday or Sunday ( cant remember) but Chace weighed 6lbs 1oz and Jaxon weighed 6lbs 15oz. So they are still about a poumd different which has been consistent and they are still growing like crazy. Okay well I have some updated pictures and will post again soon! 

Monday, July 11, 2011

Growing like weeds!!!

Jaxon..loves to eat cant ya tell :)

Chace also likes to eat, cannot believe how much he has filled in!!!

Finally able to use our bouncers :)

Brother bonding...really they were just trying to eat eachother they were so hungry..Its true I have video
So the boys are growing so much i cant even believe it. I swear just in the last few days Chace has really gotten bigger and is now catching up with his brother. Im willing to bet he does not need this oxygen anymore either, its like he just matured all of a sudden. If I only had a pulse ox machine I would check him myself instead of waiting until July 26th :) Anyway. they are starting to be more like newborns rather than preemies now, and I think they have found their lungs too because they are not afraid to show me what they can do...LOL As of our last dr appt which was wednesday the 7th Jaxon was 5lbs 13oz and Chace was 5lbs, so both of them gained about 10oz in the last week. Dr says they look great and it is amazing how well theyare doing and gaining weight, he said to keep doing whatever we are doing :) Aside from feeding, feeding, feeding we have been doing alot of praying! We are usually up every 3hours to eat however in the last day one of them decides they are hungry in between feeds and it screws my schedule all up I think they are going through another growth spurt. Trying to figure out the easiest way to feed 2 children along with burping them and pumping all at the same time. We almost have it down!! Aside from lack of sleep, and smelling like breastmilk and vomit all the time I am doing great. Just trying to learn what all the sounds and cries mean, is it diaper, hunger, gas, or just wanting to be held? Here are a few updated pictures. I havent been posting alot because since they still dont do too much they would all look the same as before them laying down swaddled and sleeping hahaha.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Were still here :)

Jaxon and Chace

Jaxon staring at Chace

Little Chace Monster

Our new life :) and we wouldnt change it for anything!!!!!
I tried updated blog last wednesday and I wrote this really long nice blog and for some reason it kicked me out when I tried to save it so i was boycotting it for Anyway everything is going very well. The boys are so happy to be back together. Honestly as soon as Chace came home Jaxon started eating better and sleeping better. It is crazy. they are both gaining weight very quickly. We weighed them last night 7-2-11 and Jaxon is 5lbs 4oz and Chace is 4lbs 6.6oz and these weights are on our hospital scale., the dr office scale reads them a little heavier so we will see what that scale says. Going by our scale both boys gained about 5 ounces since Wednesday 6-29-11. Found out the boys had thrush and of course now I have it from breastfeeding :( So all of us are being treated... They are getting such personalities. Chace is so fiesty especially when he is hungry...hmmm reminds me of someone i know (Daddy) and Jaxon is so laid back he could care less. We gave them a bath yesterday and video taped it, as soon as we figure out how to put it on our computer I will upload to the blog. They still are just eating, pooping and sleeping so I dont have alot of new pictures, however because Chace is finally starting to put weight on and is getting chubbier cheeks the boys are looking more and more alike :) Justin and I are still getting used to the not sleeping thing. He goes back to work full time Tuesday so this ought to be interesting for me trying to feed two babies. They are breastfeeding pretty well, still not taking a whole feed though I still dont know how to transition them off of the bottle that we supplement with if they dont take enough by breast. I'll be glad when I dont have to pump every time or feed them with a bottle every time afterwards, that makes feedings last way to long and by the time we are done we have to start all over again. Well thats it for now. Another dr appt next week. They will be one month old on Tuesday, hard to believe that much time has already passed. I do want to say Thank you for all of the wonderful care and support the NICU nurses at St Vincents gave to us and our boys why they were there. They are amazing and aside from the oxygen that Chace has to be on for a little while they are healthy and growing. The nurses, neonatologists and Nurse Practitioners there are so caring and so good at what they do. They helped bring my little miracles home way earlier than we all expected!!!! Thank you again.