Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So we went for our morning visit and Im sure you can tell by the title of this blog, we had just a small setback this morning. Jaxon had to go back under the phototherapy because he is still not pooping, but he is eating like a champ :) 30ml at his lunch feeding. Chace had to get put back on his forced air because his oxygen kept going really low and he was breathing hard. The nurse said he is probably tuckered out from trying to eat through a bottle since he is so much smaller than Jaxon it is a lot of work for him. So he will only get bottle fed once per day and the rest will go back through the tube, good news is he is pooping on his own and he is still digesting food so that means he will get bigger and stronger and eventually be able to take the bottle everytime. He just likes to do things a couple days after Jaxon and thats okay. Just hard to have a great few days and then come back to see your baby on oxygen again and him working harder to breathe then your other little guy is suntanning under the lights with his goggles on ( which he hates and keeps ripping off) I know we are going to have days like this, and they really are doing well now that they are eating they will grow. So just going to say our prayers as we do many times a day. The twins also got moved to stepdown instead of ICU status so that is good and today they moved them so now their beds are next to eachother which will be so much nicer. No updated pictures today as we just concentrated on feeding today.

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